From the Chair – July 2024

The first half of 2024 has been a busy and productive one for Regional Capitals Australia.

As the trusted voice for our regional capitals, RCA continues to provide strong advocacy and representation for our members on the issues impacting our cities.

RCA’s long standing and hard-earned reputation has us well placed to influence national policy, programs and guidelines – as evidenced in the 2024-2025 Federal budget.

Following advocacy from RCA at our Federal delegation and pre-budget submission, the Federal Government has provided $40 million in funding over three years to re-establish the Regional Airport Fund.

It was also pleasing to see a number our members named among the initial recipients of the Housing Support Program – another RCA recommendation.

RCA recently lodged a submission into the Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability which focused on the current funding environment, including rate pegging in NSW and rate capping in Victoria, and cost shifting to local government.

A significant focus for RCA in 2024-2025 will be our continued involvement in the National Urban Policy Network and ensuring there is a place for regional cities in the National Urban Policy.

We will also continue our advocacy to Government to make the case that the national migration strategy includes migration settings that work for our regional capitals.

RCA will send a delegation to Canberra next month to meet with both sides of Government to discuss our priorities.

Finally, it was wonderful to catch up with so many of our members at the RCA dinner (held in conjunction with Regional Cities New South Wales) in Canberra in ALGA and reflect on our recent successes and future priorities.

Kind regards,
Cr Kylie King,

Chair, Regional Capitals Australia

Pictured from left is Community, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Scott Maunder, Cr Tammy Greenlagh (Orange City Council), Chief Executive Officer Murray Wood (Dubbo Regional Council), Cr Michael Boland, Cr Bob Algate, Deputy Mayor Jim Hickey, Mayor Tom Kennedy, General Manager Jay Nankivell and Cr Alan Chandler (Broken Hill City Council)
Pictured from left is Executive Director Corporate Services, Troy Edwards, Chief Executive Officer Ali Wastie, Manager of Government Relations and Advocacy Kelly Ivens (City of Greater Geelong), Deputy Chief Executive Officer Tracey Squire, Mayor Kylie King (Albury City Council), Manager City Growth Stephanie Smith, Deputy Mayor Daiva Gillam (City of Karratha Council), Mayor Chris Cherry (Tweed Shire Council) and Councillor Marion Brown (Broken Hill City Council)
Pictured clockwise from front left is: Mayor Philip Penfold (Maitland City Council), Mayor Peter Walker, CEO Aaron Johansson (Goulburn Mulwaree Council), CEO Luccio Cercarelli (City of Palmerston), CEO McKim (City of Greater Geraldton), General Manager Brett Stonestreet, Councillor Shari Blumer (Griffith City Council), Mayor Mathew Dickerson (Dubbo Regional Council) and Councillor Robert Aitchison (Maitland City Council),