Our Partners

Just as RCA believes in the power of collaboration when it comes to our membership model, we are also focused on building our formal partnerships with other like-minded peak bodies that share a common policy vision.

We recognise the Regional Australia Institute (RAI)  as leaders in their field, and are excited to share in projects and shared visions to achieve our policy outcomes.

RCA has developed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with each partner organisation to map out our agreed activities towards our policy partnerships.

The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) is a think tank devoted to issues concerning regional Australia.

RAI gathers and analyses the best information they can find on regions and make this readily accessible to people around the country.

Regional Australia Institute


More About Our Partners

Regional Australia Institute

RAI works with regional leaders around the nation to understand their challenges and help them identify opportunities for future development that they can implement. RAI also talks to governments at all levels and provide independent, evidence based advice about the options they have to make regions even greater.



Want to Work With RCA?

RCA is always keen to talk to like-minded organisations, peak bodies or individuals who share the same vision to grow Australia into a network of well planned, sustainable regional capitals.

Get in touch now to discuss opportunities for collaboration!

Phone: 0434 274 457
Email: Secretariat@regionalcapitalsaustralia.org