Policy Update – Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability

Regional Capitals Australia has lodged a submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport’s Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability.

The submission focuses on the challenges with:

  1. The current funding environment for local government, including rate pegging (NSW) and rate capping (Victoria);
  2. Declining Finanical Assistance Grants;
  3. the variable nature of State and Federal grant funding; and
  4. the expanding delivery role of regional city local governments amidst a growing population and cost shifting environment.

RCA’s submission breaks down the difference between regional capital city local governments and those in metropolitan settings.  RCA has made the case that our members have a greater service and infrastructure burden not borne by metropolitan cities including:

  • Water/utilities;
  • Airports;
  • Regional arts and culture facilities; and
  • Larger road networks.

The role of regional cities as service hubs for their wider region is also highlighted using the example of regional airports and case studies.

Read our submission HERE